
Accessibility Policy

Policy: Accessibility Policy
Effective Date: November 2017
Date Last Reviewed: December 2019
Scheduled Review Date: December 2020
Supersedes: All previous Policies and/or Statements
Approved by: Vera Berezuk / Harry Klassen


Fastek Inc. is committed to meeting its current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non- discrimination.

Fastek Inc. understands that obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA) and its accessibility standards do not substitute or limit its obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code or obligations to people with disabilities under any other law.

Fastek Inc. is committed to complying with both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the AODA.

Fastek Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities.


This policy describes how Fastek works with its employees as well as how it provides its goods and services in a manner that respects the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity of persons with disabilities.


Assistive devices

Fastek permits persons with disabilities to use their personal assistive devices while accessing our goods, services or facilities. In cases where the assistive device presents a significant and unavoidable health or safety concern, or may not be permitted for other reasons, other measures will be used to ensure the person with the disability can access our goods, services and facilities. We will ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices we have on site or that we provide that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods, services or facilities.


We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.

Service animals and support persons

Fastek welcomes onto its premises service animals and support persons upon whom persons with disabilities rely. Service animals are allowed on the parts of the premises that are open to the public. When we cannot easily identify a service animal, our staff may ask a person to provide documentation from a regulated health professional that confirms the person needs the service animal for reasons relating to their disability.

A regulated health professional is defined as a member of one of the following colleges:

  • College of Audiologists and Speech –Language Pathologists of Ontario
  • College of Chiropractors of Ontario
  • College of Nurses of Ontario
  • College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
  • College of Optometrists of Ontario
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
  • College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
  • College of Psychologists of Ontario
  • College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario

If service animals are prohibited by another law, we will do the following to ensure people with disabilities can access our goods, services and facilities.

  • Explain why the animal is excluded
  • Discuss with the customer another way of providing goods, services or facilities

A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on the premises.

In certain cases, Fastek might require a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person for the health or safety reason of:

  • The person with the disability
  • Others on the premises

Notice of temporary disruption

Fastek will notify persons with disabilities promptly in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facility. This notice will be provided in accessible formats and posted in public areas.

Training of employees

Fastek will provide training to all of its employees regarding the provisions and ways to ensure accessible programs, goods, services and workplace.

Staff will be trained within 14 days after being hired.

Training will include:

  • Purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard
  • Fastek’s policies related to the customer service standard.
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person
  • How to use the equipment or devices available on-site or otherwise that may help with providing goods, services or facilities to people with disabilities.
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing our goods, services or facilities.

Training will occur on an ongoing basis and whenever changes are made to relevant policies, practices and procedures.

Feedback process

Fastek encourages feedback regarding how it provides programs, goods and services to persons with disabilities. This can be provided via the following methods:

• E-mail: click here to submit a message through our contact form, please

• Mail: 42 Scott Street W., St. Catharines, ON L2R 1C9

• Phone: 905-685-6245

• Fax: 905-625-6397

Notice of availability of documents

Fastek will provide this document in an accessible format or with communication support, on request. We will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the format or communication support. We will provide the accessible format in a timely manner and, at no additional cost.

Modifications to this or other policies

Fastek is committed to ensuring that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with and promote the core principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Any Fastek policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.

Rated ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐